Membership application

CCS membership application

CCS membership application form (PDF, in Czech) (approved by the Board on 7/2/2001)

On-line application is not yet possible due to the requirement that applicants obtain personal recommendations from two CCS members. Chemists unable to provide these recommendations should attach their professional CV to the completed application form. Students attach proof of study.

Send your applications to CCS:

  • Česká společnost chemická, z.s., Novotného lávka 5, 116 60 Praha 1 or by e-mail chem.spol(et)

List of services and perks for members

Fees and subscriptions

Membership fees

CCS membership fees 450,- CZK
CCS membership fees – students (including doctoral) 150,- CZK
CCS membership fees – seniors 150,- CZK
IUPAC Affilate fees 700,- CZK
EurChem registration fees (5 years) 4500,- CZK

Subscriptions to the journal Chemické listy

1 issue – retail price 180,- CZK
Full subscription (institutions, non-members of CCS) 1810,- CZK
Individual member subscriptions 900,- CZK
Individual student subscriptions 500,- CZK
Individual member subscriptions in Slovakia (CCS delivery) 70,- €
Full subscription in Slovakia 96,- €
Individual member subscriptions from abroad in countries other than Slovakia 96,- €

CCS Account number: 115-3568330217/0100

Please use your membership number as a customer reference number (variabilní symbol).
Students must provide documentation of their study in the form of a certificate to be sent to the secretariat.